Pick of the Day - Tootsie Roll Collection from Demeter Fragrance.

Save the calories, but remember the sweetness of the world famous Tootsie Rolls with products in the Tootsie Collection from Demeter Fragrance.

How adorable is this?

The scent is described as:

A luscious and delectable combination of fudge, caramel, chocolate and vanilla that brings back childhood memories of simple and easy pleasures.

Choose from, or gift them all:

  • Cologne Sprays - mini splash, 1 oz or 4 oz
  • Calming Lotion
  • Bath & Shower Gel
  • Bath & Body Oil
  • Room Spray


$6.00 to $39.50 Tootsie Collection

Pick of the Day - Harajuku Lovers Love Fragrance.

If you have not seen or sniffed any of the Harajuku Lovers fragrance dolls yet, you must. And the doll named Love, id perfect for gifting on Valentine's Day.

Love is described:

Love is always in her own little world. Stepping out in a super-sweet striped mini dress and street-chic red kicks, Love wears her heart on her sleeve.

Love is a Sensuous Floral made of the likes of Pink Peonies, Delicate Paperwhites, Rose and Sensuous Musk.

$25.00 Harajuku Lovers Love Eau de Toilette Spray

Pick of the Day - Philosophy Candy Hearts Lip Duo.

With less than two weeks until Valentine's Day, I am going to be sure that my Pick of the Day product or set is something that you will be wishing for, for Valentine's Day. So, bookmark my picks and send them to your loved one. You might even pick up a hint or two about what to get you Mom, daughter, sister, etc.

Today's Pick of the Day is this adorable set from Philosophy. It is their Candy Hearts Lip Duo. Can you imagine how wonderful these lip balms not only feel, but how they smell, and let's face it - how great they must taste?!!!


The two piece set that screams (or softly whispers - lol) Valentine's Day contains the following super shiny and sweet lip balms:

  • Luv U Angel Food Cake Flavored Lip Shine
  • Smooch Pinkly Bubbly Flavored Lip Shine

Pick this up quick as it is a limited edition, exclusive only to Sephora and Sephora.com.

$20 Philosophy Candy Hearts Lip Duo