10 Tips to Look & Feel Younger

The secret to looking and feeling younger is a loaded one. It may have a different meaning, but it is something that my friends and family ask me all the time.

“Teri, do you have any tips to look any younger?”. Well, sure I do. But to look younger, you need to feel young, too.

Some of these tips may seem obvious, but it’s just because researchers have done many experiments to find ways to slow down the aging process. Sure, there are some extra things we can do, but I would say that the most important thing for us to do is to be consistent in living an overall healthy lifestyle and that means some type of activity and good eating habits.

10 Tips to Look & Feel Younger

10 Tips to Look & Feel Younger

We can’t stop time or natural changes, but we can still look younger if we put in a little work to slow down the aging process.

  1. Detox: It’s important to detox at least twice a year. Detoxification will get rid of toxins from our bodies. Our body’s metabolism has done that process, but in everyday life, we are exposed to so many extra things from chemicals and pollutants in the environment to the not-so-great things we ingest. There are many great “cleanses” out there; I like this one.

  2. Sleep: Getting enough sleep, at least 6-8 hours a day, is essential to looking and feeling younger. When you sleep, your skin cells renew as your growth hormone works harder during sleep; this renews old cells in the body, including your skin cells. You will look younger and more refreshed if you continually get a good night’s rest.

  3. Food: Eating healthy food each and every day will make you look and feel good from the inside out. As they say, you are what you eat — it shows. Try to eat more fish instead of red meat. Including fiber-rich foods, vegetables, fruits, and a balance of supplements are important. On the alternate end of the spectrum, consuming less sugar and caffeinated beverages is better overall for a youthful look and feel. And don’t forget, at least 8 - 10 full glasses of water each day.

  4. Exercise: By incorporating exercise into our daily lives, we will feel happier, more energetic, in the long run, and it gives us a look of confidence. Smart exercise also increases our bone density and muscle mass which can make our body look younger, too.

  5. Relax: Avoiding stress can be difficult, I know, but by trying to be more relaxed overall, we will look more rested and appear younger. Stress compounded by worry and fear appears on our faces; learning to manage our stress and feel at peace does a lot for us inside and out.

  6. Stay Positive: A positive outlook leads to less stress. Just as I said above, stress shows on your face and can make you look older.

  7. Medical Check-up: Schedule your yearly check-ups! Our body needs attention and care so it can work well every day. Having routine medical exams is extremely important to recognize diseases as soon as possible.

  8. Active Life: Always try to stay active and I don’t just mean exercise. All different types of activity can increase health; yes things like exercise, group activities with friends, work, shopping, puzzles, and games. Staying active keeps your mind and body sharp.

  9. Social Life: Having friends and staying social (even at a distance) is super important for our overall well-being. By staying in communication with our friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, etc., our lives are more fulfilled bringing on more happiness.

  10. Products: Start to look at your skincare products and weed out the bad from the good. I for one can often overwhelm myself with the number of products there are so I like to come up with a regimen that is custom for my skin for each season. A good anti-aging skincare routine that contains retinol, vitamin c, antioxidants, and daily sunscreen is essential to keep skin looking its youngest.


Teri Cosenzi

I'm Teri, your resident beauty expert. While I'm not playing with beauty products, painting my nails or shopping for makeup with my daughter who loves trying products with me, you will probably find me sneaking off to Florida with my husband of over 25 years or cheering on one of my three sons. I like baking, re-decorating, drinking tea, fussing with my flowers and facials.