A Very Special Day!

Hold on to your hats everyone, I am going to take a moment to let you in on a little secret. Today is my birthday - and it is a BIG one! Can you guess how old I am?

Birthday%20Cake-red%20white.jpgI have written about it in a few posts, I am sure. Let me know how old you think I am in the comments!

In celebration, there is a big surprise party for me tonight (even though I sort of know about it), and tomorrow hubby and I are taking off to Las Vegas until early Thursday. So, I will be missing in action for a few days, but I have a few posts in que so you really won't know I am gone.

For this beautiful Memorial Day weekend please stay sun safe, wear your sunscreen, sunglasses, and a nice wide brimmed hat to keep your skin looking as great as it can.

In the mean time...
Happy Birthday to me!