TRIA Hair Removal Laser Update 1.

I told you about the TRIA Beauty Hair Removal Laser back in October. If you haven't read my introductory post, please take a few minutes to do so, so you can follow along. Basically, I am testing out this new system from TRIA Beauty, a leader in light-based laser technology. It is the TRIA Hair Removal Laser ($395). TRIA is the only FDA-cleared hair removal laser that is approved for permanent hair removal at home.

When I wrote the post back at the end of October, I fully expected to start testing out the system that weekend. Then the huge snow-storm hit on the 29th.  Needless to say, using my TRIA was not top on the list of my priorities as I had no electricity, heat or water for ten days.  Once things calmed down, I finally started using the TRIA the end of November.

I have been using the TRIA on my underarms on Monday and Thursday's, pretty faithfully as I was instructed to use it twice a week, for ten minutes on each area. I try to use it in the morning after showering and shaving, prior to putting on any body creams or deodorant.  I don't want anything infringing on the results, and as the area needs to be clean and dry to use it, I feel this is the best time.  It takes about ten minutes on each underarm area, where I slowly move the device over the areas, carefully and slowly moving the tip of the device, feeling the slight heat and hearing the beeps which alerts me that I have received the laser pulse and it is time to move the tip to the next area.  I am careful to overlap just a bit to get the most efficient result.

There are 5 levels of pulse on the TRIA. Each level is a bit stronger, and the higher you go, the more it will hurt.  It goes from a low level of heat pulse on level 1 and 2, to a feeling of rubber bands snapping to a full out bee sting at level 5 for me. I started on level 2, as I felt a slight heat-like sting on my skin when using it initially on that level.  After about five uses, when I felt no sensation again, I moved it up to level 3.  All of this is in the instructions, and as you tolerate the pain or feel no more, it is time to move up a level to get the best results from the laser. I still feel a bit of heat at level 3, but as it is not as intense, I am sure I will be dialing up to level 4 shortly.

I do not see or feel any difference in my hair yet.  I know it will take a while and hopefully will notice that the hair grows in thinner and not as fast soon. It has only been about five weeks.  I will be back with an update the end of January, so stay tuned.