Jennifer Aniston for AVEENO Beauty of Nature Video Series.

In case you haven't noticed, Jennifer Aniston is a beautiful brand ambassador for AVEENO. Guess what? I am an AVEENO blogger brand ambassador. With that honor, I am given exclusive content and a peek at things like this behind the scenes look as to what goes into making some of the oat-standing AVEENO products, narrated by the one and only Jennifer Aniston.

Jennifer Aniston: AVEENO Brand Ambassador

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What's You Hair Care Routine?

My mornings are filled with routines. Routines from getting breakfast made, the kids out the door, to getting my self ready. Getting the hair and face on is a feat in itself. Isn't it? While I like to change my hair “look” almost everyday, I do have a routine in getting it prepared for the final look.

My fine hair craves volume. Volume that lasts, while still being smooth and naturally beautiful. Finding volumizing products that are gentle and nourishing is no longer hard to find thanks to
AVEENO® and it's newer line of hair care products. Lately, I have been adding the AVEENO® NOURISH+ VOLUMIZE shampoo and conditioner as a part of my daily routine to get beautiful soft hair full of volume and shine.


I start by shampooing in the shower, once or twice depending on how much previous product is in my hair. After rinsing, I apply conditioner – a lot of it, as my hair is very dry. I leave that on for the rest of my shower (usually another 4 or 5 minutes) and rinse the conditioner out as the very last step. Right before I get out, I turn the water to cold – as I swear this helps to lock in shine.

After towel drying, I choose a volumizing styling product depending on my style for the day. If I will be wearing it down, a volumizing mousse is used right before blow-drying. If I am going to pull it up or back, I use a volumizing root product or root booster at the top of my head (the roots) and mousse only on the ends.


Next, if I am wearing my hair down, I blow-dry on low to medium heat with a large or medium round brush. If I want it more smooth with little curl, I use the large round brush.



If I am looking for more waves or curls, which I have a bit of, I use the medium barrel brush. When I am finished, I simply spray with a finishing spray and go.



Alternatively, if I choose to wear my hair up, I usually only blow dry the front and sides of my hair thoroughly with a large round brush. I then tend to leave the back alone and let it dry on it's own. When the back section is done air drying or is at least damp-dry, I take my brush, spray some finishing spray on the brush, and smooth it out over the ponytail or falling hair pieces. Voila.


What is your hair care routine?