Sunday Reads: October 8, 2017.

You may have noticed that I have been quiet all week. With good reason. With all that has been happening in this great country of ours lately, I just did not have it in me to write anything about beauty. It took me a few days to start posting on Instagram, but my heart is breaking. After mother nature has wrecked havoc on Texas, Florida, other southern states, the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, Mexico City and now the inexplicable tragedy in Las Vegas, my heart is so heavy. I have known people, (or friends of friends) affected by all of these events and moving on is difficult for so many right now. 


When you have children of any age, really, but for me with children that are teenagers and young adults, that are driving, constantly out in crowds, concerts, sporting events or simply at school, I am constantly worrying. I must drive them crazy with the "I love you" and "be careful" when they leave or the big bear hugs, but I am constantly left with a sense of fear. This was not the case when my children were young. The world is a sick, sad place. They tell me that we cannot live in fear, but I do. Constantly. My anxiety has increased tenfold, especially since my mother passed away unexpectedly last year. These unexpected, devastating events are what have me on edge all the time. 

I will get back to regular beauty posting tomorrow. For now, catch up on a few things that I have missed, and you may have too, as I've spent most of the week off the interwebz.

One thing I am into is a pumpkin scent this time of year; I'm super excited to try this collection.

Oh my goodness, the NARS Man Ray Duo Eyeshadows are a stunner! I will have a preview of the collection up soon. 

I always look for innovative ways to clean my makeup brushes but never thought of using a Foreo. Hmmm...

I'll definitely be trying a shower oil for the old dry skin this winter. 

OOh, I have the felt fabric insert for all of my makeup and other things; it helps to switch handbags a breeze. The other ideas are really good ones, too. 

Just when I've grown out my bangs, curtain bangs are THE thing for hair. My stylist has been telling me about them all year and that I should be wearing them. Maybe this week I'll make the change?

Have you seen the CHANEL Fall/Winter collection? O.M.G.!!!

I leave you with the notion that we must do better. We can and we will overcome. Strength, love, and yes, beauty to all. The world HAS to be a beautiful pace for us all to thrive in. Together. We can do it. xo

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Teri Cosenzi

I'm Teri, your resident beauty expert. While I'm not playing with beauty products, painting my nails or shopping for makeup with my daughter who loves trying products with me, you will probably find me sneaking off to Florida with my husband of over 25 years or cheering on one of my three sons. I like baking, re-decorating, drinking tea, fussing with my flowers and facials.